Monday, July 11, 2005

you wouldn't like me when i'm angry

adrienne batra posted on the ctf blog today that, true to leftist moonbat form, the state is a better choice to raise children than the parents. manitoba is pretty much have to be raised by other-mommy or other-daddy rather than mom and dad, unless mom or dad makes a huge salary. lots of funding for state-sponsored daycare, but no break for stay-at-home parents. does this seem even remotely right to anyone?

this is happening on a national scale, too. it's just that ken dryden hasn't filibustered and stammered (à la porky pig martin) about it yet. but be ready. once this national child care program ("a fix for a generation!") is implemented, it'll be to the detriment of the nuclear family. and, in my humble opinion, society itself.

for shame, gary doer. and paul martin.

oh, the subject of the post? well, i've been keeping my head out of politics for a while--not completely, but enough so that i haven't felt compelled to blog--because after paul martin et al. raped democracy a while ago, i was spitting nails. my girlfriend told me i needed to cool it--and she was right. i get pretty nasty when i'm angered about politics. or pretty much anything else.

at the end of the summer, though, i'll be back. and those nails will be flyin'! :)


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