Wednesday, August 17, 2005

i still don't much care about this, but..

it's all the talk on the news and the talk shows.

what is the governor-general-designate's loyalty to canada? where does she stand on québec separation?

well, first off, i bet that if she were a wasp from calgary who had been seen toasting freedom (for south korea, cuba, and perhaps western canada) (look, i'm just drawing the closest analogy to what apparently happened that i can) then would there be a fuss? you bet. he'd be labelled a traitor, a white supremacist, and the liberal elite "thinkers" in eastern canada would immediately demand he be replaced.

so just because she's a liberal flunky, what's different?

but that's not what i meant to talk about.

many people are saying that she should be replaced before she even gets into office. that's fine. but i hear not one person - not one person suggesting an alternative.

so to the masses (conservative and liberal alike!), i say this: suggest away.

i suggest don cherry.



At 1:55 PM, Blogger scott said...


With the Harper Summer Tour rolling into New Brunswick today and tomorrow, I thought it would be fitting for Conservatives of all stripes to express their thoughts and feelings toward the success of the barbecue circuit.

Here is a poll which I am conducting regarding the Stephen Harper Summer Tour 2005 on my site:

Fell free to weigh in.




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