Monday, October 24, 2005

we (and north korea) lead the world!

with deference to joel johannesen and a knowing, laughing, mocking nod to paul martin, i have to show you this.

i came upon (with a tip from nealenews) the home page for north korea (democratic republic of north korea, no less) and read the faq.

this silliness could almost completely come right out of the liberal party of canada's hatred of the united states (tm) propaganda. some select quotes:

"11. I want to know why North Korea has nuclear weapons. Why?

The DPRK has a nuclear deterrence as a life-insurance to protect the motherland. The US, who put the country inside the "Axis of Evil", and is threatening with a nuclear holocaust pre-emptive strike has created this situation and made this neccessary."

and then there's this goodie:

"17. I hear that North Koreans are very poor. Is this true?

By international standards, DPRK citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. In Socialist Korea, the state guarantees all citizens the right to quality healthcare, education, stipends for the disabled, retirement pensions and access to recreational facilities, as well as a wide array of other state-supported services. Indeed, DPRK citizens are guaranteed many provisions that are uncommon in many developed capitalist societies, which are home to real poverty. Unlike in many countries of the capitalist world, the DPRK is a state free of homelessness, unemployment, prostitution and starvation." (emphasis mine)

no anti-americanism here. but if you read closely, gee, i wonder whom they're talking about. or really, propagandizing about.

man, oh man, this is good. can you imagine pmpm blustering if he were to see this? he'd wind himself up into an absolute frenzy of leading. to wit: "no, we lead the world in freedom from homelessness, unemployment, prostitution, starvation, and all those other things those american capitalist bastards i hate have in droves there. but if we were to have prostitution, we'd legalize it because it's so, y'know, canadian."


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