Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Gomery tidbits, just like everyone else

Chrétien quotes:
"One small program in a very large government."
Damn right, bucko. It is a very large government. I just wonder if you meant to put it that way--almost making it so CTV couldn't make it not sound pejorative!

"I wanted the money for the program to be used for national unity."
Isn't it ironic, Jeanny boy, that the money you and your cronies stole will ostensibly have gone to the potential breakup Canada. Dumbass.

"Il était au courant comme j'étais au courant." Translation: "He knew as much and at the same time as I knew."
"He" is Paul Martin. Essentially Jeanny boy is saying that, contrary to his assertions, Paul Martin did know about the program, and early. In fact, Chrétien knew about the program early on--that is to say, at its inception. Logically, then, Paul Martin, according to Chrétien, knew about the sponsorship program at the beginning. My conclusion, then? Martin was/is both lying and incompetent.

Sadly, right now if the government is to fall (which I dearly hope it does), it'll be because of Smilin' Jack Layton. He holds the balance of votes to topple the Libs. Great.

Of course, even if the government does fall, will the sheep east of the Lakehead even care? Or will they vote for "the devil they know instead of the devil they don't"? If so, then I'm afraid western separation will become very possible. As well as Québec.

Please, Canada, get rid of them. I keep hearing that the Liberals have already paid dearly for this. HUH? Who are you kidding? They've gotten off with a slap on the wrist. But if I don't pay my taxes for a year (or a few), they'll be on me like a fat kid on a Smartie.

Speaking of the devil you know argument, how is that even remotely intelligent? How could anything be worse than the corrupt lying thieving asshats we have in now? HOW?

As a final thought, I just wonder: how will Sheila Fraser and John Gomery, the people who know this subject more intimately than anyone, vote?

My bet is it won't be for the big red corruption machine.


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