Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Left vs. right: the battle rages on

I just read a very interesting article. I tend to agree with it. Why?

Well, I know a lot of people who are vehemently on both sides of the political spectrum. And I have to say, I see very little vitriol coming from people on the right, while people on the left seem to have more of a tendency to be extremely vonomous.

That's not to say that most liberals are like this; I'm just saying that in my personal life (and it seems that others have seen this), I've seen more leftists frothing at the mouth and pulling off childish stunts and rants than rightists.

I could never see myself doing such a thing, and I feel the same about my conservative friends.

I'm just saying.


At 3:12 PM, Blogger guttergirl said...

Please don't turn off your comments. I just found you and I have lots of comments and opinions.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Nah, they're just being moderated now.

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Wanna talk about politicizing death? Hello, pot? Kettle here.

I assume you meant "fascist" when you weree talking about the Sun. Look up the word. Fascists glorify the nation over the individual. Fascists regulate everything. Fascists employ a dictatorial leader. Kinda sounds like King Jean and Prince Dithers, n'est-ce pas?

And where they use fear? Uh huh. I'd rather read a paper that tells me all the facts and lets me decide as opposed to a paper that tells me the facts it wants me to know and then editorializes about it to make sure I come around to their presupposed notions.

And BTW you'll have to expand on the term "culture of death" as you mean it, because the only culture of death I can think of right now is the one that allows abortions up to the minute a woman gives birth. Ever seen a partial birth abortion? Now we're talking about a culture of death!

After that I can't really comment because I have no idea what you're getting at.

But thank you for your comments, and for keeping them about the subject. :)


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