I was just looking around for a laugh, and so I decided to see what virulent hatred was being spewed at Rabble.
I'm shocked.
There must be a shortage on tinfoil these days, because
as I read this thread, it became clearer and clearer to me that the people were serious--that they believe that the Bush administration perpetrated this upon their own people! As a physicist, and a cynical one (but
not as cynical as others), I can vouch that all the assertions in
here are accurate.
And then, watching a little TV, as I am wont to do, I saw a commercial done by the Canadian wing of the World Wildlife Fund, talking about global warming (I thought the PC Police had abandoned the term in favour of "climate change"). A woman is having a meeting of the world's leading greenhouse gas-emitting countries. America is goofing off and the hostess has to shush him.
Wow, subtle as a box of hammers. And twice as clever.
What a load of anti-American bullshit. This Canadian feeling of holier-than-thou, we're morally superior to you, put you guys down at every opportunity crap is really getting on my nerves. The United States is our best friend and ally. Or, at least, they're supposed to be. But as a nation, we don't treat them as such, and it makes me sick to my stomach.
When I was a younger lad, I worked at a bar right close to the international border. Since the drinking age in Washington State was 21 and in BC it was 19, our main clientele came from across the line.
And let me tell you, I could tell the Americans from the Canadians right away, without even talking to them. How?
The Americans were the
most polite, courteous, non-stuck-up people in the place.
The Canadian women were princesses, snobs, looked down their noses at you, and wouldn't be caught dead sharing the same room with you. The American women always had a good word to say, were always willing to give you a "hello", and genuinely enjoyed talking to anyone and everyone.
The Canadian guys brooded and looked as though they wanted to knock you out. The American guys were your best friends, even though you might have only met 3 minutes prior.
Yes, I could definitely tell the Canadians from the Americans, and we (Canadians) didn't fare too well.
So please, cut the "we're better and smarter and more sophisticated than you" crap. They're our allies and friends. And they've constantly shown it--I mean, if your supposed best friend talked trash about you and constantly stabbed you in the back, you'd cut your losses and disavow him as your best friend. We've done this to the Americans, but they've been nothing but good to us, despite our insanity. In fact, it's a wonder they didn't cut their losses about 10 years ago and invade us (and how would we stop them? With 2 Sea Kings and a leaky submarine?).
It's time to grow up, Canada.