Thursday, October 26, 2006

A contest. Put on by Conservatives. In our country. I'm not making this up.

I'm not allowed to make this up.

Man, now that we can say "Prime Minister Harper", and even though it's been 9 months, mocking those ridiculous ads still cracks me up, even if it is passé, even if it reeks of kitsch.

There's a contest in the Conservative blogosphere (there's a word I don't use too often; it's kind of being overused, I think, but I digress...) wherein we win a prize if we can display the most blatant liberal MSM bias.

This is funded by Conservatives, out of their own pockets. Not the government, not a lobby group. Just ordinary people like you and me.

Let's go win us some money!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It's Animal Farm all over again...

All religions are equal, but some are more equal than others.

See what selective appeasement does? I **knew** there was anti-Christian bias at the Beeb. (And of course, the Ceeb as well.)

What will you do about it?

(For that matter, what will I?)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

And while I'm (not) talking about Quebec

This is nothing but total posturing and pandering.

I've been learning about this recently, and--surprise surprise (and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am)--it doesn't matter what you say about Quebec, nation or not, distinct or not, whatever; if they have a referendum and vote 100% to secede, they cannot leave without assent from all the provinces. Thus I'm just astounded at the pantywaist approach Chretien took in the 1995 referendum. And it pains me to say this, but for all his failings, Trudeau had it right when he asserted in 1980 that a referendum wouldn't mean anything.

Wow, I lose more and more respect (of what little I already had) for Liberals every day.

And then comes this. It's the story that won't go away and has got to be a nightmare for the so-called natural governing party (or as I like to call them, the naturally corrupt and arrogant party).

It's enough to drive a guy to the Conservatives. ;)

Oh fer cryin' out loud

I was going to keep my (blog) mouth shut on the whole affair, really I was, but then Taliban Jack decided to open his yap.

Okay, if he told the Liberal MP that they've already got her (in dual reference to his dog and Belina), he should apologize. Soon and get it over with. Because really, it was silly and I imagine in the heat of the moment and not meaning that much. And besides, with what Belinda's done (to both him and Mrs. Domi), I don't know if I were in MacKay's shoes that I'd be able to have the decorum he had only to infer she's a dog. MUCH more offensive things would come out of my mouth.


a) he should not apologize for telling Alexa McDonut to stick to her knitting--it's a common expression used especially on the east coast, one that means that a person should stick to what he/she knows about and not delve into unknown territory, especially against someone who knows the topic inside out; this is not a sexist comment for a couple of reasons--first, because of its real intent--to be a colloquial way of saying "stick to what you know"; but second, because if any part of it is sexist, it's because Taliban Jack is making it so by inferring that knitting is solely a womans' endeavour.

b) if Taliban Jack had a little more credibility (read: A LOT) it wouldn't sound ridiculous for him to tell MacKay to resign; I mean, how much credibility can a guy have when insisting we negotiate with the Taliban?

c) "it certainly will discourage women from seeking public office" -- hmm, let me see; politics? Isn't it called a bloodsport somewhere? If someone can't handle the rough and tumble of making it through their teens then yes, maybe he/she doesn't have the jam to make it as a politician; otherwise, I say to Jack, stick to your knitting. And no, you won't get an apology out of me for that.

Later on in the article, the oft-repeated line about the dog not actually being Peter's is used again. I suggest that that's not true, that the dog is a family dog. If the reporter had bothered to do his/her homework.

Finally about this topic, I'd like to say that this is really much ado about nothing. Or much ado about very little. Doesn't this pale in comparison to Reg Alcock saying about Asian-Canadian Inky Mark "frankly, if I was going to recruit somebody, I'd go further up the gene pool"? Or for that matter, how about the only communist Prime Minister in Canadian history, PET, telling an honourable member in the chamber to "f--- off", later passing it off as "fuddle duddle"?

Hello pot, meet kettle. And here's the nice cauldron you've been searching for.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

On Garth

Who the *** cares? Good riddance to someone who had to air dirty laundry in public, rather than discuss it in private--like anyone with an iota of common sense would do.

Wake me up when Taliban Jack isn't caving to the bastards in Afghanistan or when the Liberals don't have either an America-bashing elitist with a one-sided mind on war crimes or a spend spend spend neo-Communist running their party.

I feel I'm going to be asleep for a long time.