More on the Wheat Board
I find it funny the liberals scream about having choice. Most of the time. But then when it comes to marketing choice, like western farmers having the choice to market their wheat howsoever they may choose, they clam up and say "we are Borg."
I mean really, they rail and bray against the tyranny of the majority tromping on the rights of the minority when it suits them, but then scream about the majority ruling when it doesn't. So let's say for argument's sake that 95% of farmers want a single-desk system to market their wheat, leaving 5% of farmers who want to market their own. Even if one farmer wants to sell his wheat outside of the Wheat Board, what's the problem?
And the real nub of this is that, if the WB is so great, even if open to competition, the WB would still garner a majority of the wheat.
Moreover, it appears to me to be NEP--wheat style. Why is it mandatory for farmers west of the MB/ON border to go through the WB but not farmers east of said border? Strange things a-happenin'.
I suspect that, if the books were open to audit by the AG (I'm not so sure they can be open to her, because the WB isn't a fully government-run operation), there would be some rather odd things in there. The secrecy surrounding it and the pedal-to-the-metal attempts to stop any audits by liberals reminds me of another time. Something smells funny here.